1st European Open Bridge Championships Page 5 Bulletin 2 - Monday, 16 June  2003

Make them Guess

By Mark Horton

England’s Paul Hackett found a thoughtful defence on this deal from Round 3 of yesterday’s Swiss.

Board 23. Dealer South. All Vul.
  ª K 8 4 3
© J 5 2
¨ 7 4 3
§ A 9 4
ª 10 7 6 2
© Q 7 3
¨ A K J
§ K Q 7
Bridge deal ª A J 5
© K 10 9 6
¨ Q 9 8 6 5 2
§ -
  ª Q 9
© A 8 4
¨ 10
§ J 10 8 6 5 3 2

West North East South
Hackett De Botton
1NT Pass 2§* Dble
2ª Pass 3¨ Pass
3NT Pass 5¨ All Pass

The opening lead of the jack of clubs was covered by the queen, ace and ruffed by declarer, who drew two rounds of trumps. Now she cashed a club, discarding a spade, ruffed a club, and having completed the partial elimination played ace and another spade.

Paul Hackett was careful to overtake his partner’s queen of spades with his king, even though it established a spade trick for declarer.

He exited with his trump, leaving declarer to divine the heart position, a task that proved to be a bridge too far.

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