1st European Open Bridge Championships Page 4 Bulletin 12 - Thursday, 26 June  2003

Doubling Doron

As a player on the Lara team found out, you better be careful when you double Doron Yadlin. This deal from the quarterfinal match of the Kalish and Lara squads is a case in point.

Board 27. Dealer South. None Vul.
  ª K J 5
© A 9 8 5 4
¨ A K 7 6
§ A
ª 9 7 4 2
© 6
¨ 8 5 3 2
§ K 9 6 3
Bridge deal ª A 8
© K Q 10 2
¨ Q J 9 4
§ 10 4 2
  ª Q 10 6 3
© J 7 3
¨ 10
§ Q J 8 7 5

West North East South
D. Yadlin I. Yadlin
Pass 1© Pass 2©
Pass 4© Dble All Pass

The contract cannot be defeated, but declarer must take care in the play, which is exactly what Doron did.
The opening lead was the ¨J, Rusinow style. Doron won with the ace and played the ªK from hand. East won the ace as West signaled a count of four cards. The ¨9 was next, taken by North with the king. Then came the §A, a spade to the queen and the §Q, ducked. Doron discarded his ªJ on the §Q then ruffed a club low. He ruffed a diamond in dummy, ruffed a club with the ©9, which was overruffed by East’s 10. A fourth round of diamonds was ruffed in dummy, leaving this position:

  ª ---
© A 8 5
¨ ---
§ ---
ª 9
© 6
¨ ---
§ K
Bridge deal ª ---
© K Q 2
¨ ---
§ ---
  ª ---
© J
¨ ---
§ J 8

The ©J ran to East's queen and he was left on play at trick 12 to lead into North's tenace. That was plus 590 for Doron. His team won the match 124-49.

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