Fatigue – Or An Entry
For The Most Ugly?
By Christer Andersson (
Coming back to the hotel after the last match on Wednesday
afternoon, the Portuguese team were twittering like spring-happy
birds. It turned out they had won their match in Round 15 against
mighty Italy. Not much, but a win, 16-14. Mainly because the
Italians had some mistakes, they explained modestly. What happened I
inquired? This was the main board:
Board 9. Dealer North. E/W Vul. |
K J 10 4 3 ♥ K 10 9 7
4 ♦ 8 ♣ 9 5 |
♠ 9 7
6 ♥ 6 5 2 ♦ J 7 6 3 ♣ 10 4 3 |
♠ A Q 8 5
2 ♥ A J 8 ♦ 5 4 ♣ K Q 8 |
- ♥ Q 3 ♦ A K Q 10 9 2 ♣ A J 7 6 2 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Sangiorgio |
Barbosa |
Ferrari |
Palma |
2"* |
2NT |
Dble |
Rdbl |
Pass |
3 |
Dble |
3" |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
Francesco Ferrari intervened with 2NT, although he had eight
cards and 11 of his 16 points in the opponents’ suits. This was
surely a bid caused by fatigue. Antonio Palma had a clear penalty
double. Sangiorgio now redoubled to request Ferrari to bid 3 § .
This too was doubled for penalty. Sangiorgio bid his longest and
strongest, and Ferrari trusted his partner. Antonio doubled, even
more convinced than earlier. Barbosa led the ª J and the declarer
played the ace from the table. This was ruffed by Antonio, who drew
three rounds of trumps then played a small club to declarer’s ten.
Sangiorgio, recognising the poor prognosis of his contract, tried a
spade towards the table. Barbosa went up with the king and Antonio
discarded his low heart. A club followed to the queen and ace, and
another club to the king on the table. This was declarers second
trick. The queen of spades was ruffed by Antonio, who continued with
his high clubs. Sangiorgio ruffed with his only remaining trump,
threw his counting abilities in the bin, and tried to ‘save’ a trick
by finessing in hearts through North. That resulted in all the
remaining tricks going to Antonio who happily entered +1700 on his
scorecard. The Italians tried 3 ¨ also in the Closed Room, but
this time undoubled. As the contract could not be set the
over-optimistic bidding in the Open Room resulted in 17 Portuguese