Three down vulnerable –
winning bridge
by Ace Ventura
Board 4 | Dealer West, All vul
Q J 10 7 4 ♥ 8 5 ♦ K Q J 9 4 ♣ Q |
♠ A K 8
3 ♥ A K 9 4 ♦ 7 ♣ A 7 9 2 |
♠ 6
2 ♥ Q J 7 6 2 ♦ 10 3 ♣ K J 7 5 |
9 5 ♥ 10 3 ♦ A 8 6 5 2 ♣ 8 6 4 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
De Falco |
Jacobs |
Olivieri |
Auken |
1♣ |
3♣* |
Dble |
5♦ |
ble |
All Pass |
In the Closed Room this was the last board to play and there was
not much time left. The clock showed that there were only 4 min 38
sec left to play when the auction kicked off. Dano de Falco opened
1♣ and George Jacobs found a functional
weapon in his holster: 3♣ showing a
two-suiter in spades and diamonds. Despite the vulnerability Sabine
Auken really pushed the cards, up the five level. 5♦ may seem too much, but when you think
of it Auken’s decision was sensible, since she could expect three
losers in the rounded colours and if North only has as little as
something like diamond king with K-Q in spades the sacrifice would
succeed. De Falco felt quite satisfied with the progress so he
doubled and Gabriella Olivieri didn’t find any reason to do other
than to bid a sensible pass. The clock now was ticking quickly
and with only 1 min 09 sec left for the play, Auken again made an
excellent performance – three seconds later she simply claimed eight
tricks; three down and -800. I doubt Auken/Jacobs thought this
was their big swing in the match, but it was. The comparison from
Monica Cuzzi and Alfredo Versace was nothing to complain about. The
auction at the other table was:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Versace |
Abdou |
Cuzzi |
Goldberg |
1♣ |
1♠ |
Dble |
Pass |
3♥ |
Pass |
4♣ |
Pass |
4♦ |
Pass |
4♥ |
Pass |
4NT |
Pass |
5♣ |
Pass |
5♦ |
Pass |
6♥ |
All Pass |
Versace/Cuzzi had all the time they needed to reach the nice
small slam. 3♥ was forcing, 4♣ and 4♦ cuebids. 5♣ denied any
key-card and when Versace asked for the trump queen Cuzzi could bid
the slam. The declarer didn’t put to the test since the queen of
clubs dropped easily; +1430 and 12 IMPs to Jabobs. This board was
the only Team Jacobs won. Nevertheless it was enough to win the
match by 16-14 VPs (12-8 IMPs). |