PULA 2009 - TEAMS board a match


Click round on the left to see its results.
Click on PT to see travellers of this segment.
roundopponentPT   VP      ±   place
  1 19. NACHTEULEN10-210 1
  2 75. CONSUS RED6-66 6
  3 28. SITNI VEZ5-75 20
  4 44. VELIKI GLEDAJ2-102 39
  5 57. DIENES4-84 51
  6 33. AGRESSOR6-66 56
  7 56. EVROMORAVA7-57 51
TOTAL:  400 
RESULT:  40 
PLACE:  51 
 Alfred Czech  
 Mieczyslaw Kuza  
 Andrzej Maszczyszyn  
 Jan Szagala  

 Admin. ©Jan RomaƄski'2005, page generated on 2009-09-08 at 01:18, optimized for 1024x768 resolution.