35th World Interzonal Team Championships, Paris, France Friday, 26 October 2001

USA II v England

Venice Cup - Round 8

By Tony Gordon (England)

England were third and USA II were seventh going into this match. The boards were fairly dull, but USA II lost their way and suffered a heavy defeat.

Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul.
  ª Q 4
© A 10 7
¨ A Q 7 4
§ K Q 7 4
ª K 7 2
© J 6 5
¨ K 9 6 3
§ 10 9 3
Bridge deal ª A 10 9 6
© K Q 9 8 2
¨ -
§ 8 6 5 2
  ª J 8 5 3
© 4 3
¨ J 10 8 5 2
§ A J

West North East South
Quinn Dhondy Breed Smith
  1¨ Dble 1ª
1NT Dble All Pass  

It seems surprising that Mildred Breed did not show her heart suit during the bidding and Shawn Quinn's 1NT could have been defeated by three tricks; however, after the ªQ lead she escaped for two down, which would be a good result if her teammates reached game at the other table.

West North East South
Goldenfield Jackson Brunner Hamman
  1NT 2§* 2¨
Pass 3¨ All Pass  

* Majors

However, Joan Jackson and Petra Hamman stopped in 3¨and made eleven tricks after the lead of the ªK. +150 to USA II, but 4 IMPs to England.

Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul.
  ª 8 7 6 4
© -
¨ A 10 9 6 3
§ Q 10 9 6
ª Q 3 2
© A K Q 6
¨ Q 7
§ A K J 7
Bridge deal ª K 10 5
© 10 8 7 5 4 3 2
¨ K 2
§ 4
  ª A J 9
© J 9
¨ J 8 5 4
§ 8 5 3 2

West North East South
Goldenfield Jackson Brunner Hamman
2NT Pass 4©* Pass
4NT Pass 5¨** Pass
5© All Pass    

* Mild slam try ** 0/3 key cards

Rhona Goldenfield and Michelle Brunner stopped safely in 5©and duly scored +650.

West North East South
Quinn Dhondy Breed Smith
2NT Pass 3¨* Pass
4© Pass 4NT Pass
5§** Pass 5© Pass
6§ Pass 6© All Pass

* Transfer **0/3 key cards

In the other room, USA II seemed headed for the same safe haven, but Quinn carried on over 5©, presumably expecting her partner to have at least one key card. Heather Dhondy began with the ¨A and when Nicola Smith followed with a suit-preference ¨J she continued with a spade to her partner's ace. -100 meant 13-IMPs to England who led 25-1 at this point.

Board 12. Dealer West. N/S Vul.
  ª A J 9 5 3
© K 6
¨ K 10 6 2
§ K 5
ª 10 8 6
© Q 8 5 3
¨ Q J 8
§ A J 4
Bridge deal ª 4
© A J 4 2
¨ A 7 4
§ Q 10 9 8 6
  ª K Q 7 2
© 10 9 7
¨ 9 5 3
§ 7 3 2

West North East South
Goldenfield Jackson Brunner Hamman
Pass 1ª Dble 2ª
Dble Pass 3§ Pass
3© All Pass    

Goldenfield followed her partnership's strongest route to 3©, but Brunner could not envisage game facing a passed partner and passed 3©. Declarer made eleven tricks losing a spade and the §K for +200 to England.

West North East South
Quinn Dhondy Breed Smith
Pass 1ª Dble 3ª
4© All Pass    

A familiar scenario unfolded in the other room where the extra level of preemption pushed the opponents into a contract they might not have reached under their own steam. Smith falsecarded with the ©9 on the first round of trumps, so Quinn lost a trump trick when she subsequently tried to pin the ©10, but she still scored +420 and USA II gained a much-needed 6 IMPs.

Board 13. Dealer North. All Vul.
  ª K 8 6 4 3
© A 7 3
¨ Q 5
§ 6 5 2
ª J 5
© 5
¨ A K J 10 7 3 2
§ 10 9 7
Bridge deal ª 10 9 2
© Q 10 9 6 2
¨ 4
§ K Q 8 3
  ª A Q 7
© K J 8 4
¨ 9 8 6
§ A J 4

West North East South
Goldenfield Jackson Brunner Hamman
  Pass Pass 1NT
Pass 2©* Pass 2ª
Pass 2NT All Pass  

* Transfer

It seems dubious to pass 2NT with the South hand, and Goldenfield's silence in the auction was rewarded when she was able to cash her seven diamond tricks against 2NT for +200 to England.

West North East South
Quinn Dhondy Breed Smith
  Pass Pass 1NT
3¨ 3ª Pass 4ª
All Pass      

The defence began with three rounds of diamonds against Dhondy's 4ª, and declarer discarded a club from hand on the third round. Declarer's prospects were not promising, but she would doubtless have made the contract by squeezing East in hearts and clubs, so although Quinn made her task easier by continuing with a fourth diamond, this did not materially affect the outcome. +620 and 13 IMPs to England who now led 49-12.

Both teams reached the good 6¨on board 18, and both declarers successfully located the §J to bring home the contract.

Board 19. Dealer South. E/W Vul.
  ª Q 10 2
© Q J 8
¨ J 7
§ Q 10 8 6 2
ª A K 8 5
© K 10 7
¨ 10 8 6
§ J 9 5
Bridge deal ª J 9 6 3
© A 4 2
¨ A K 5 4 3
§ 4
  ª 7 4
© 9 6 5 3
¨ Q 9 2
§ A K 7 3

West North East South
Quinn Dhondy Breed Smith
Pass Pass 1¨ Pass
1ª Pass 2ª All Pass

West North East South
Goldenfield Jackson Brunner Hamman
Pass Pass 1¨ Pass
1ª Pass 2ª Pass
2NT Pass 4ª All Pass

With both pointed suits breaking 3-2 there is nothing to the play as long as declarer is careful to win an opening heart lead in hand, and both declarers duly made ten tricks. However, that was another 10 IMPs to England who won the match 59-17 IMPs, 24-6 VPs, and were now in second place just 5 VPs behind France.

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