Jörgen Lindqvist
His many friends will be sad to learn that that Jörgen died last
week losing a long battle with cancer. Our thoughts go to his
family, Ethel, Thomas and Lisa.
He represented Sweden during the 70s and early 80s partnering PO
Sundelin, Anders Brunzell and Tjolpe Flodqvist. He became European
Champion and finished third in the Bermuda Bowl in 1977. After his
successful career as a player he turned his talents into teaching
the game and was one of the most loved and appreciated tutors in
Sweden. Last year he returned to the international scene to
successfully coach the Swedish team in Salsomaggiore into a berth in
this year’s Bermuda Bowl. He had hoped to be able to play here in
Menton but sadly this was not to be.
We will remember him as a wonderful personality, a great teammate
and partner, and an excellent player. Here is an example of his
creativity from earlier this year:
Dealer East. East/West Vul |
ª K 8 3 © A 9 8 6 5 ¨ 9 8 7 3 § 8 |
4 © J 7 3
2 ¨ A 5 4 2 § J 9 5 2 |
A 7 © K Q
10 ¨ K Q J
10 § K Q 10 4 |
ª Q J 10 9 6 5 2 © 4 ¨ 6 § A 7 6 3 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
2§* |
4ª |
Pass |
Pass |
Dble |
All Pass |
* The opening showed 20-21 balanced or any game force.
West led a trump which East won with the ace to return the suit.
In theory there was now no way to make the contract.. But what about
real life?
That trump lead was killing as it had taken away two ruffs in
dummy. There remained six trump tricks, two aces and one ruff.
Jörgen decided to try an old gambit. He exited with a small club
from both hands. The defenders played diamonds. Jörgen ruffed the
second, ruffed a club in dummy and a diamond in hand, and ran all
the spades. Both defenders ‘knew’ that partner had the club ace so
they held on to hearts in the three-card ending letting declarer win
two club tricks in the end, making ten tricks and the impossible
game. |